Find the latest news, information and other updates here - from short reports on specific exhibit locations to overall news on the Light: Beyond the Bulb project in general.
Light: Beyond the Bulb at Puerto Rico - May 2015
For April 2015 the Chandra-funded International Year of Light exhibit "Light: Beyond the Bulb" was displayed at the main library of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) and impacted thousands of persons. Exhibit tours with hands-on activities conducted by volunteer Physics Students, talks, conferences, and other events attracted many hundreds of participants. Groups of school children & their teachers visited from different towns. University students came with professors from Physics, Architecture, Art & Education courses.
On April 17th, 2015 an inclusive event was organized directed at the visually impaired and blind with their families: "Stars for All/ Estrellas Para Todos". This activity had 26 participants among which 11 persons were totally blind. The event included family members, students, faculty and others. They displayed the tactile posters developed by Chandra, plus a tactile Moon, Sun, spiral galaxy and several tactile books such as "Touch the Sun", "Touch the Star" etc.

General Update on Light: Beyond the Bulb - May 2015

- Approximately 175 Light: Beyond the Bulb locations have signed up for exhibits across over 30 countries so far, including the O'Hare Airport in Chicago, the Village Baykal in Dolna Mitropolia, Bulgaria, the St. Ignatius College Siggiewi Primary school in Siggiewi, Malta, the K11 Art Mall in Shanghai, China, and the Galway Astronomy Festival in Ireland. Find the full exhibit list at
- There are another 400 hundred locations (schools, science centers, libraries, parks and other informal learning spaces) that are hosting small exhibits of Light: Beyond the Bulb posters. The free poster set may be downloaded from:
- Volunteers have completed language translations of Light: Beyond the Bulb materials in four languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, and French, with more in progress.

Duke University, Durham, NC, Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics Annual Symposium hosted "World Photonics Forum" and an Open House in March 2015. Brought together experts & non-experts to discover new ideas about light/light technologies for IYL2015.
~700 attendees (~500 members public, ~200 symposium attendees and speakers).
LBTB exhibit at Carmel High School, Carmel, IN, for all of May 2015.
In addition to the high school students and staff, local 5th graders toured the exhibit. LBTB tied in w/5th grade science curriculum; students also learned about Hubble, Chandra, ISS.

International Astronomy Day 2015, Royal British Columbia Museum (Victoria, BC, Canada) was celebrated on April 25, 2015.
Organizers collaborated with the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) for a daylong event.
The hosts provided LBTB posters, a monitor displaying images, and a large wall screen displaying more science images. Approximately 750 people attended the event.
February 2015, amateur astronomer org. created LBTB exhibit for Palora Higher Secondary School (Ulliyeri, Kozhikode, India).
LBTB was conducted w/inauguration event for a new telescope. Events attracted ~2,500 students & attendees. Physics dept. head, Devagiri college, Kozhikode, presented on light pollution.